Online Mock Test- NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Exam Preparation Mock Test & Practice Test with 2500+ Question Bank

NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Exam Preparation Mock Test & Practice Test with 2500+ Question Bank 2024 along with Bonus- Additional Questions on AMFI & SEBI Code of Conduct

Online Mock Test ENROLL NOW

Online Mock Test ENROLL NOW


Key Highlights:

  • Chapter Wise Practice Test (1200+ Questions)
  • Mock Test (Test Objective wise) 12 Mock Test (1200+ Questions 100 Each)
  • Additional Questions on AMFI & SEBI Code of Conduct (160+ Questions)
  • Detail Answer Explanations

Key Highlights

2500+ Total Question Bank Covering All Test Objectives & Learning Outcomes outlined by NISM

Chapter Wise Practice Test (1200+ Questions)

Mock Test (Test Objective wise) 12 Mock Test (1200+ Questions 100 Each)

Additional Questions on AMFI & SEBI Code of Conduct (160+ Questions)

Detail Answer Explanations & Comprehensive Coverage of Exam Topics

Earn up to 10 Gurukul Wallet MUDRA

Refer & Earn up to 50 Gurukul Wallet MUDRA

What you will learn

Thorough Practice

Practice with over 2500 questions to build confidence and mastery.

Mock Test Preparation

Simulate exam conditions with our mock tests for better preparedness.

Certification Exam Readiness

Be fully prepared and confident to ace the NISM Series V A exam.

Chapter Wise Practice Test

Specially designed chapter wise test along with hints for learners. This test will help in Confidence Building & Familiarization of each concepts chapter wise.

Mock Tests

To help individuals gauge their current level of knowledge and further enhancement of confidence for real NISM exam. Mock Tests specially designed Learning Outcome wise & Test Objective wise

Questions on AMFI & SEBI Code of Conduct

Enhance your understanding and ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards by taking our mock test on AMFI & SEBI Code of Conduct.

Chapters Covered:

  1. The landscape of investments
  2. The concept and role of mutual funds
  3. The legal structure of mutual funds in India
  4. Legal and regulatory frameworks
  5. Scheme-related information
  6. Fund distribution and channel management practices
  7. Net Asset Value, Total Expense Ratio, and unit pricing
  8. Taxation
  9. Investor services
  10. Risk, return, and fund performance
  11. Mutual fund scheme performance
  12. Mutual fund scheme selection

BONUS- Special Coverage on AMFI/SEBI Code of Conduct

Ref Book Used: NISM workbook Aug 2023 edition