IC 22 Life Insurance Underwriting III Associateship Exam: Comprehensive Online Mock Test with 1200+ Practice Questions
Prepare confidently for the IC 22 Life Insurance Underwriting Exam with our comprehensive online mock test. Covering all major chapters and concepts, this mock test is designed to help students master underwriting principles, risk assessment, financial underwriting, and medical knowledge required for life insurance underwriting. Our 1200+ practice questions simulate real exam scenarios and ensure you are fully equipped to pass with flying colors.
Key Features:
Over 1200 expertly crafted practice questions aligned with the IC 22 syllabus.
Detailed coverage of essential topics, including risk classification, reinsurance, financial underwriting, and medical systems (nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.).
Practice questions designed to mimic real exam difficulty and structure.
Instant feedback and correct answers for all questions.
Accessible online platform, allowing you to study anytime, anywhere.
User-friendly interface for a smooth learning experience.
Covered Chapters:
Chapter 1 Life underwriting Principles and concepts (Part 1)
Assessing individual risk
Classification of risks.
Concept of underwriting
Outcomes of UW process
Chapter 2 Life underwriting Principles and concepts (Part 2)
Concept of dating back of policies.
Methods of life insurance UW
Riders in a policy & preferred lives concept
UW decisions with respect to extra mortality rates
Chapter 3 Underwriting Process & Structure
Challenges faced in underwriting
Genetic testing in life insurance
Life insurance application process.
Structure of the Underwriting function.
UW philosophy and risk management.
Chapter 4 Financial Underwriting
Evaluation of Insurance Amount
Insurance for housewives, minors and key persons.
Married Women Property Act.
Meaning, purpose, objectives, & Principles of Financial UW
Partnership insurance, employer-employee scheme and insurance under HUF.
Sources of financial data
Chapter 5 Occupational Avocational & Residential Risk
Avocational risk.
Occupational risk.
Residential risk.
Chapter 6 Re-Insurance
Advantages of reinsurance
Concept of reinsurance.
Types of reinsurance.
Chapter 7 Blood disorders
Anemia, its causes and classification
Components of a blood cell.
Important disorders of blood.
Chapter 8 Nervous System
Components of CNS
Components of PNS
Disorders of the nervous system.
Nervous system
Chapter 9 Diabetes Mellitus
Clinical assessment of applicants for insurance.
Complications relating to diabetes
Pre-diabetes and special tests
Types of diabetes
Chapter 10 Thyroid Diseases
Thyroid gland and their implications in UW
Chapter 11 Urinary System
Components of the urinary system.
Disorders of the urinary system & UW
Proteinuria, albuminuria, & hematuria
Chapter 12 Respiratory system
Respiratory conditions & UW
Respiratory system & its components.
Chapter 13 Gastrointestinal (GI) / Digestive system
Components of Digestive system
Disorders of the digestive system & UW
Chapter 14 Cardiovascular System
Disorders of CVS
Process of the cardiovascular system
UW implications CVS diseases
Chapter 15 Special senses disorder of the eyes, ears and nose
Functioning of the ears & its disorders
Functioning of the eyes & its disorders
Functioning of the nose & its disorders
Who this course is for:
- ASSOCIATESHIP EXAMINATION At this level, students may have option to choose subjects either Life or Non-Life or both combined. The scheme of study provides knowledge of chosen subject. However, candidates will have to get familiar with the practical aspects related to these subjects.
- Insurance Professionals
- Students Who Aspiring to Build Career in Insurance Industry
- Insurance Underwriters
- Life Insurance Underwriters
- Insurance Claim Professionals
- Insurance Operation Professionals
- Insurance Trainers