NISM Exam Preparation Mock Test for NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam Practice Test & Mock Test Mastering the NISM Exams with 750+ Question Bank
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The NISM Exam Preparation Guide for NISM Exam Preparation Guide for NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam Practice Test & Mock Test series is meticulously crafted resource covers all the essential test objectives, ensuring a thorough understanding of the exam content. Within the mock test series, learners will find comprehensive 750+ Practice Question Bank (NISM Workbook Version June 2022 edition used as reference to develop this Mock Test)
This Mock Test is part of Author’s Exam Prep Guide book with 1500+ question bank along with 100+ case based questions.
BOOK NAME: NISM Exam Preparation Guide for NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam Practice Test & Mock Test. Mastering the NISM Exams with 1500+ Question Bank & 10+ Case Study with 100+ Case-Based Questions
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At end of each test the correct answers along with explanations are given.
EXPLANATIONS: Double Power for Your Success!!
Apart from HINTS, another tool is given to you for your success in NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam is Explanations along with correct answers for all tests. After each test the correct answer sheet is given along with Explanations, which are crucial for learners for several reasons:
Understanding the Concept: Explanations provide a deeper understanding of the underlying concept or principle for each test objective of NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam. Learners can grasp not just the answer but the reasoning and logic behind it.
Clarification of Doubts: Learners may have misconceptions or doubts about certain Learning Outcome required to achieve through NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam. Explanations help address these doubts, ensuring that learners have a clear and accurate understanding.
Application of Knowledge: Explanations show how the learned concept is applied in a particular context in NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam. This helps learners see the practical relevance of the knowledge and how it can be used in real-world situations.
Critical Thinking: By providing explanations, learners are encouraged to think critically about the subject matter for NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification ExamThey can analyze the information, connect it to other concepts, and develop a more comprehensive understanding.
Most Imp. Retention and Memory: Understanding the 'why' behind an answer enhances memory retention. Learners are more likely to remember information when they understand the reasons and logic behind it, rather than memorizing isolated facts. This will surely be an advantage for NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam..
Building Confidence: Clear explanations build confidence in learners before they go for final NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam. When they understand the material thoroughly, they feel more confident in their ability to apply their knowledge in different situations.
Explanations play a vital role in the learning process by providing clarity, fostering understanding, and empowering learners to apply their knowledge effectively for sure success in real NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam. They transform learning from a memorization task into a meaningful and engaging exploration of concepts.
This Mock Test aims to equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of Portfolio Management and the relevant expertise needed for success in NISM-Series 21A Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Exam.
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NISM Outlined Test Objectives & Learning Outcome Covered in this Mock Test:
Capital Preservation / Capital Appreciation / Current Income
Direct investments
Distressed Securities
Fixed income securities: role and characteristics
Investments through managed portfolios
Nominal risk-free rate, real risk-free rate, and expected inflation
Other investment opportunities
Real Estates
Relationship between risk and return
Risk Premium
saving and investment / investment and speculation
Structured products
Types of risks
2. Introduction to Securities Market
Market Infrastructure Institutions and other intermediaries
Primary and Secondary market
Primary Market
Retail Participants
Secondary Market
Securities Market
3. Investing in Stocks
Combining relative valuation and discounted cash flow models
Diversification of risk through equity instruments
Equity as an investment
Equity research and stock selection
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamentals Driven model - Estimation of intrinsic value
Overview of Equity Market
Risks of equity investments
Stock Analysis Process
Technical Analysis
Understanding Corporate Governance
4. Investing In Fixed Income Securities
Bond Characteristics
Bond Pricing
Bonds with options
Determinants of bond safety
Determining duration
Interest rate risk
Measuring Price Volatility of bonds
Overview of Fixed Income Securities
Types of Fixed Income Instruments
5. Derivatives
Commodity and Currency Futures and Options
Currency derivatives
Definition of Derivatives
Purpose of Derivatives
Structure of derivative markets
Underlying concepts in derivatives
6. Mutual Fund
Benefits of investing through mutual funds
Concept and Role of Mutual Fund
Fact Sheet - Scheme Related Information
Key performance measures
Legal and Regulatory Framework – Key SEBI Regulation
Legal Structure of Mutual Fund in India
Processes of investing in mutual funds
Types of Mutual fund products
Working of mutual funds
7. Role Of Portfolio Managers
Administration of investor’s portfolio
General Responsibilities of a Portfolio Manager
Organizational structure of PMS in India
Portfolio managers in India
Registration requirements of a Portfolio Manager
Types of portfolio management services
8. Operational Aspects Of Portfolio Managers
Best Practices for the disclosures – Global Investment Performance Standards GIPS
Content of agreement between the portfolio manager and investor
Costs, expenses and fees of investing in PMS
Direct On-boarding in PMS
Disclosures to the prospective clients
Process of On-boarding of clients
Redressal of investors grievances
Submitting duly filled application form
9. Portfolio Management Process
Analysing the financial position of the investor
Assessments of needs and requirements of investor
Forecasting risk and return of various asset classes
Investment Constraints
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Life cycle analysis of investor
Psychographic analysis of investor
Rebalancing of Portfolio
Steps in Portfolio Management Process
Strategic versus Tactical Asset Allocation
Understanding correlation
10. Performance Measurement And Evaluation Of Portfolio Managers
Alpha and Beta return
Annualizing return
Assets and Sector Allocation
Cash drag adjusted return
Compounded Annual Growth Rate
Due Diligence and Portfolio Manager selection
GIPS Advertisement Guidelines
Global Investment Performance Standards
Gross versus net return
Performance reporting to the Investor
Portfolio risk versus individual risk
Pre-tax versus post tax return
Risk Return
Semi variance / Semistandard deviation as a measure of downside risk
Sharpe Ratio / Treynor Ratio
Sortino Ratio / Information Ratio / M2 Measure
Systematic Risk and Unsystematic Risk
Total risk and downside risk
Business income
Capital Gains
Characterisation of income
Dividend income
Entitlement of benefit under Double Tax Avoidance Agreement
Interest income
Place of Effective Management (POEM)
Residential status
Section 9A of Income Tax Act
12. Regulatory, Governance And Ethical Aspects Of Portfolio Managers
Code of conduct for PMS Distributors
Code of conduct for portfolio manager
Eligible Fund Managers
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020
SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 2003
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations 2015
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- Distributors of Portfolio Management Services (PMS).
- RM of Bank involve in PMS sales
- Relationship Managers of Banks
- Relationship Managers of Brokerage Firm involve in PMS sales
- Stock Market Professionals
- Mutual Fund Professionals
- Financial Planners & Wealth Managers
- Students
- MBA Finance Students
- PMS Distributors & Sales Professionals